Traditional Thai Massage is one of the oldest methods of healing the body and soul. It involves
applying pressure to the muscles until all tension disappears. The body after the treatment is
stretched while a great feeling of "release" prevails and the back is restored to its natural curvature.
The massage aims to harmonize the body, remove blockages and eliminate tensions along the 10
energy lines. Compared to traditional Chinese medicine, which specifically uses acupuncture to
manipulate pressure, Thai massage stimulates the same points, but with a healing touch.
This ancient massage is described as a gift for the body (physical), mind (spiritual) and feeling
(emotional). It is a way to prevent disease, a tool to remove blockages that manifest mentally and
physically, and to increase flexibility.
It is indicated for people with muscle pain, joint pain, rheumatism, fibromyalgia, hormonal ailments,
depression, emotional blockages and insomnia.
This massage can only be performed by therapists , who have received special training for this!